Nutritional Therapy
Nutritional therapy is a holistic approach to wellness that focuses on the importance of a properly prepared, nutrient-dense, whole food diet, paired with a well balanced lifestyle. A holistic approach to nutrition honours the body’s innate intelligence and its ability to restore, regenerate, and correct itself. We firmly believe that “real food” has the power to make a positive impact on our life and health.
Overly processed, chemically enhanced foods have become a convenient preference in our modern diet. Years of relying on these nutrient poor, calorie-rich options have changed our mindset towards both food and health. Unhealthy habits and unbalanced meals have led to health concerns like digestion issues, trouble sleeping and low energy which are unfortunately now seen as normal, but simple changes to the food we eat can make a huge difference. We deserve to feel good and that starts with taking the time to make better choices when it comes to the food we eat.
We are all different and depending on the season, our age, ancestry, activity level and stress load we might need different sources of fuel to feel and perform our best. But knowing which foods are the best options and how to properly prepare and source them is a great place to start.
Nutritional Consultation:
As part of the consultation process we will go through your medical history and assess your current health status. We will do a full body health review and discuss your personal needs and goals. I will then use the information discussed to devise a personalised nutrition plan, you will be offered personalised lifestyle advice tailored to your individual health needs and goals. This includes carefully chosen dietary recommendations, practical recipe suggestions as well as tips on how to incorporate the changes into your lifestyle. If any foods need to be reduced or eliminated for a period of time, I will suggest viable alternatives that will maintain nutritional needs.
When necessary natural supplements may be recommended e.g probiotics and/or vitamins and minerals, however food is always the main part of the plan.
A little about me:
I am originally from New Zealand and gained my qualification in Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy at the College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM) in London, UK. I am registered with Associazione As.C.O.N and DNB.
"Professional disciplined according to the law 14 January 2013, number 4, art.4"
"Professional duly registered in the professional category register As.CON with code LO0126OPAA (pursuant to law 4/2013)"
"Professionista disciplinato ai sensi della legge 14 gennaio 2013, numero 4, art.4"
"Professionista regolarmente iscritto al registro di categoria professionale As.C.O.N. con codice LO0126OPAA (ex lege 4/2013)"