To find our list of services and prices please click on one of the BOOK NOW buttons below. If you are not sure what to book for or you would like some advice on what service would be best for you please book a free consultation to discuss your hair needs. Alternatively you can send us a message on WhatsApp (+39 376 0524 835) or email ( and we will be able to advise you of what service is best for you.
We take all our bookings via online booking or message (WhatsApp or email).
If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment you can do this online up to 48 hours before your appointment, if it is less than 48 hours before your appointment we kindly ask you to send us a message on WhatsApp or email. If you are running late for your appointment please let us know as soon as possible via WhatsApp or email, if you are running more than 15mins late we may have to reschedule your appointment.
If you are booking a colour service please make sure to complete your booking with either a blow dry or haircut, this allows us enough time to wash and check the colour.